My friend Mr. Mehra sent me some of the photos which reflect the Zimbabwe's present conditions of currency. Have look at them...
Look at the value of the Zimbabwe currency...
10 Million Zimbabwe Dollars = 10 US Dollars

Look at the child carrying loads & loads of the Zimbabwe dollars...
Which may not last for couple days also...

Look at the currency denomination the extent to which Zimbabwe's central bank is issuing to tackle the rapid the increase in the market price which amounts more than 12,875% increment per year...

That wasn't sufficient enough, recently it has issued 100 Billion Dollars currency also...

You might be wondering the worthiness of the this 100 Billion Dollars Note!!! Just have a look at the below photograph...

Now if you are thinking to visit any Zimbabwe Restaurant then before visiting plan your way of carrying the Zimbabwean Dollars...
Or Just couple of hundreds of US Dollars!!!

1 comment:
Unbelievable. This is what happens when reckless fiscal policy meets anemic productivity. Hopefully Zimbabwe will continue making strides towards recovery, but right now it doesn't look all that promising due to Mugabe & his same group of corrupt cronies clinging to power.
--Jim @ Buy Zimbabwe Dollars
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