Second, I decided to take serious resolution first-time in life for new year as to read more and write more personally and professionally!
Now coming to today's topic, year 2010 has been very interesting for markets due to various reasons and witnessed a lot. From these, I have collected 10 important information from and, so thought of sharing with you guys...
- The Sensex and Nifty rallied 17% each this year while the midcap index is up 16%.
- The commodities markets have also seen a significant upside with crude being up 13%.
- Gold has seen appreciation of 28% this year.
- Silver has been best asset class in 2010 in comparison with all others as it gained 81%.
- The total investor wealth, measured in terms of cumulative market capitalisation of all listed companies, rose to Rs 72,96,725.14 crore, from Rs 60,79,000 crore at the end of 2009. During the period, the Sensex rose from 17,464.81 points on December 31, 2009 to 20,509.09 points today.
- As end 2010 is also end of the decade, lets look at the performance Indian markets in this decade. On January 1, 2001, the total market capitalization of the Bombay Stock Exchange was about Rs. 700,000 crore, that is USD 150 billion. Currently, the total market capitalization of BSE is about Rs. 70,70,000 crore, that is USD 1570 billion. This means, the BSE has added about Rs 63,70,000 crore of additional market cap over the past decade, indicating a 9 times increase in market cap over the past decade.
- At the beginning of the decade, the Sensex was at 3972. Currently, it is trading at 20,527, a 416% rise over the past decade. In other words, if somebody had invested Rs 100,000 in the Sensex at the beginning of the decade, it would have currently become Rs 516,792.
- Now coming to2010 again, this year FII inflows have been the highest ever in India's history at USD 28.6 billion in nine and a half months. In 2009, FIIs invested USD 17.6 billion while the year before in 2008, India registered foreign investors inflows of USD 12.7 billion. One-third of the total FII inflows this year went into the primary market.
- MF outflows for the year stood at USD 6 billion, also the highest ever in history. A year ago, outflows stood at USD 1.17 billion. Domestic insurance inflows however have seen a steady decline over the last two years. For the year, they came in at a moderate USD 1.5 billion, as against the USD 7 billion registered in 2009 and USD 13.6 billion in 2008.
- Domestic insurance inflows however have seen a steady decline over the last two years. For the year, they came in at a moderate USD 1.5 billion, as against the USD 7 billion registered in 2009 and USD 13.6 billion in 2008.
Top 10 Mid-cap gainers...

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